Today I thought we would visit something different, still art but from a different perspective. I was in my younger day a Catholic, I started my journey in primary school. After that, I went to a normal school and never went back to my religion for a number of reasons. But what really captivated me was not the religion that I was taught but the massive churches I have been in and the beautiful artworks.
Way before I became interested in art I admired the art and sculptures and the architecture of the churches. The creative approach that people had back then. So today I thought we would look at some of the artwork together.
Catholic art consists of all visual pieces of art produced for the church and its religion to spread the word of god. It came in many for such as painting sculpture mosaics needlework metalwork and architecture. Religious art played a leading role in the development of the western society since the fourth century. Documenting the life and times of Jesus, his disciples, the saints, and the events that have taken place.
The earliest surviving artworks are the painted frescoes on the walls of the catacombs and the meeting houses of the persecuted Christians of the Roman Empire.

Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Good Shepherd from the Catacomb of Priscilla,
Roman catacombs, 300–350 250-300
The Christian Church in Rome was influenced by the Roman style of art and the religious Christian artists of the time.
The stone Sarcophagus of Roman Christians exhibit the earliest surviving carved statuary of Jesus, Mary, and other biblical figures.
Noah praying in the Ark, from a Roman catacomb

Catacomb chamber with (from top): Orants, Jonah and the Whale, Moses striking the rock (left), Noah praying in the ark, Adoration of the Magi. 200–250

Notice here how Christ is given authority by being represented with the gesture of authority while holding onto a scroll. Even his dress, a toga, ...
The Gothic art was the new after the eastern and western churches grew apart and the gothic art was born.

Gothic art no.9 Jesus heals a blind man no.1

The last supper, Gothic art no 2 The betrayal of Judas no.3
The Protestant Reformation produced new waves of image-destruction, to which the Church responded with the dramatic and emotive Baroque and Rococo styles. In the 19th century the leadership in western art moved away from the Catholic Church which, after embracing historical revivalism was increasingly affected by the modernist movement, a movement that in its "rebellion" against nature, counters the Church's emphasis on nature as a good creation of God.
Way before I became interested in art I admired the art and sculptures and the architecture of the churches. The creative approach that people had back then. So today I thought we would look at some of the artwork together.
Catholic art consists of all visual pieces of art produced for the church and its religion to spread the word of god. It came in many for such as painting sculpture mosaics needlework metalwork and architecture. Religious art played a leading role in the development of the western society since the fourth century. Documenting the life and times of Jesus, his disciples, the saints, and the events that have taken place.
The earliest surviving artworks are the painted frescoes on the walls of the catacombs and the meeting houses of the persecuted Christians of the Roman Empire.

Jesus healing the bleeding woman, Good Shepherd from the Catacomb of Priscilla,
Roman catacombs, 300–350 250-300
The Christian Church in Rome was influenced by the Roman style of art and the religious Christian artists of the time.
The stone Sarcophagus of Roman Christians exhibit the earliest surviving carved statuary of Jesus, Mary, and other biblical figures.

Catacomb chamber with (from top): Orants, Jonah and the Whale, Moses striking the rock (left), Noah praying in the ark, Adoration of the Magi. 200–250
Notice here how Christ is given authority by being represented with the gesture of authority while holding onto a scroll. Even his dress, a toga, ...
The Gothic art was the new after the eastern and western churches grew apart and the gothic art was born.

Gothic art no.9 Jesus heals a blind man no.1

The last supper, Gothic art no 2 The betrayal of Judas no.3
The Protestant Reformation produced new waves of image-destruction, to which the Church responded with the dramatic and emotive Baroque and Rococo styles. In the 19th century the leadership in western art moved away from the Catholic Church which, after embracing historical revivalism was increasingly affected by the modernist movement, a movement that in its "rebellion" against nature, counters the Church's emphasis on nature as a good creation of God.
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