
Showing posts from February, 2016
Hi to all Bloggers Mireille (Eid) Astore Female Australian Artist - Beirut, 1961 Mirelle is an artist and a writer. She left Beirut during the Lebanese civil war in 1975 to live in Melbourne, Australia.  Influenced by Continental Philosophy, her art draws on autobiographical notions of representation and the unheimlich; where the conscious intersects with the unconscious. Through her art and her writing she "explores human emotions" and "asks what it is to be human" Mireille Astore attained a PhD in Contemporary Arts from the  University of Western Sydney  (2008). She was Research Affiliate (2009–2013) at  Sydney College of the Arts , the Visual Arts Faculty of the  University of Sydney  and Research Fellow (2011–2012) at the  American University of Beirut . A short film directed by Astore that was based on the "Tampa" work, "Tampa: a Walk on the Beach", was screened in
As you know I like to feature female artist from any year because female artist had it tough, and still do sometimes. It doesnt matter what gender painted the art its weather you like the art. I try not to pick art that I like because it is personal after all. So I just pick a random artist to see what she painted and what year. I think you will like this one she is a very talented artist and I like her freedom with the paintbrush brush and he strokes. Berthe Morisot was born January 14, 1841, in Bourges, France. She first exhibited her work in the prestigious state-run art show, the Salon, in 1864. She would earn a regular spot at show for the next decade. In 1868, she met Édouard Manet. In 1874, she married Manet's brother. The marriage provided her with social and financial stability while she continued to pursue her painting career.