Hi Bloggers hope you are having a great Saturday, l am very excited as last night started painting.
As you know l am an abstract expressionist painter and  that is where my passion lies. So l am going with a theme of memories and things that relate to my life so far, as l am 59 in 2 days there are a few events that have stuck in my head or have touched my heart one way or another. to give you a sneak peak. l started school life at a catholic school and the church that was right near the primary school and it was beautiful. It is a Basilica, Our Lady of Victory. It's funny but l was looking up the church on the internet and found that they are having their centenary this year so that was an omen l feel.
Back to the painting , it represents the church and the religion that l started my life in, and also the controversy of the catholic religion, and what goes on behind closed doors.
l will take a photo but its a bit wet and as l am painting in oil,s the drying time this time of year is a bit slow. So be patient Bloggers and will speak to you on monday.
Have a great weekend


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