Lewitska Sopfia (Sonia)

Sonia moved to Paris to learn the art of painting in 1905.
She settles in Paris and continues with her studies at a Jean Marchand, who later became her husband. Beginning as a Cubist and Fauvist, she moved into a Post-Impressionist style and became known for her illustrations of limited edition books.
She exhibited at the Salon d' Automne 1910, 1913, 1919, 1925, 1927–1934), the Salon des Independence
1910, 1914, 1920–1922), the section d' Or, The Salon des Tuileries 1929, 1932, 1934. The Paris Galleries and at the International Exhibitions.
In 1933 she took part in Salon de Echanges. At the same time in accompany with her friends. Henriette Tirman, she helps Andre Fau and Francis Thieck in room decoration suggesting services of painters from her closest circle.

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