What is Art?

What is art? Art is making a mark either with paint, pencils, charcoal, mixed media, there are no rules.
What makes good art? l think art is in the eye of the beholder, there is no good art nor is there bad art it is what you like as an individual.

How ever l like my art to have a bit of depth and colour but its not all ways that simple, as l like very minimal art as well. So you see there is no right or wrong answer here, l like what l like at the time. Even my mood dictates what l like on any given day.

 My art changes with my mood , my subject, and my thoughts.  How l approach my theme or subject, will change if my mind is wandering on that day it will change again, this is why we artists say we put our heart and soul to paper. Some times we have major problems letting go of our art, we keep hanging on to some, its like a soul mate, a spiritual thing, we are connected. So some we sell, some we paint over, and some stay for ever. l have kept so many l am running out of space, but one day l will let go.


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