Today's female Australian artists is Tracey Moffatt is an Indigenous woman who was born and educated in Brisbane, Queensland. She graduated from the Queensland College of Art with a degree in visual communication in 1982. Best known for her work in photography and video, she has exhibited in galleries nationally and abroad. After graduating from college, she moved to Sydney, later dividing her time between Sydney and New York. She began her career as an experimental filmmaker and producer of music videos and continued making films after establishing herself as a photographer. In 2004, she was described as one of 'the most famous and admired Australian [artists] on the international scene'. (Nelson)
Over the last 25 years Moffatt has produced a cohesive body of work, from her celebrated 1989 series Something More to the more recent Fourth, 2001. Each series devolves upon an unwritten narrative – a story is implied, but never stated. Part of the artist’s project is to dismantle the conventions of storytelling, paradoxically by using artifice alone to tell her tales. At the same time, the power of her work derives from the persuasions of myth. Moffatt’s subjects touch on deep-seated, implacable issues, on the wounds that never heal – hence the title of her tragicomic series, Scarred for Life, 1994. Based on true stories told to the artist, this series captures both the pain and the restless energy at the heart of suburban life. Possibly Moffatt’s best work to date, its potency is due to the fact that, as the artist has explained, ‘ … everyone has a tragic tale to tell’.

Over the last 25 years Moffatt has produced a cohesive body of work, from her celebrated 1989 series Something More to the more recent Fourth, 2001. Each series devolves upon an unwritten narrative – a story is implied, but never stated. Part of the artist’s project is to dismantle the conventions of storytelling, paradoxically by using artifice alone to tell her tales. At the same time, the power of her work derives from the persuasions of myth. Moffatt’s subjects touch on deep-seated, implacable issues, on the wounds that never heal – hence the title of her tragicomic series, Scarred for Life, 1994. Based on true stories told to the artist, this series captures both the pain and the restless energy at the heart of suburban life. Possibly Moffatt’s best work to date, its potency is due to the fact that, as the artist has explained, ‘ … everyone has a tragic tale to tell’.


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