Happy New Year everyone, hope your heads are not pounding too much. Mine is just fine only had 3 beers. I am showing you a couple more of my Creations. When I drew and painted this Rabbit I had Watership Down in my head, the amazing movie that touched my heart completely. This cute little fellow came to mind as well, I think rabbits are the cutest little fury babies and I love thir adorable eyes When I was a child I had several toys Dolls, Teddies, and other stuff. But at 63 I still have Teddies They are almost alive to me, each one has its own cutness and personality that I can not ignore. I still have my original Teddie he is a Panda and he use to play music the winder was on the back but he doesn't play any more. Cats are amazing creatures and they are seen everywhere and if you have never owned one you are sadly missing out. Snail also have my heart they are amaing little creatures the way they carry there house on their back. ...