Hi Bloggers, Thank god it is payday tomorrow, have been so frustrated, hence my blog The frustrated Artist. A majority of us artist as you know are always broke. I am one of them, and as l am on a pension my money only stretches so far. l have this l idea that l have been busting to start and tomorrow l can buy the stuff l need. Yeah shopping, rent, tomorrow pick up some chairs by thusrs day or friday l wil start my project
Showing posts from May, 2013
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Hi Bloggers When you were a kid did you ever collect and play marbles, l did and still have them. Like l said always researching just to write down ideas etc. plus its fun. So l decided to find out when marbles actually started and were they made of glass. Did you know that marbles have been found in prehistoric times in mexico. they were made of clay, how cool is that. So here is a bit of info if you are interested on the history of marbles. http://www.imarbles.com/historyofmarbles.php . The beautiful glass one started around 1920s. Did you know there is a Museum of Marbles in Ohio US. Now we have collectors, You can collect these exquisite marbles starting at approx $29 Here are a few http://www.landofmarbles.com/carl-fisher.html . Getting back to work now talk later and have a fantastic day. Vic
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Hi Bloggers hope you are all having a great day. yesterday and today still have been researching as l won't have money until next week, but thats ok. Will be starting first assignment which will be the start of the installation l have to build this so that is going to take a little while, but l will show you the progress of this one. As l said before can't give too much away or it will spoil the surprise. you will only see snippets as l go along. Have a great day peeps
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Hi Bloggers, Well have been painting and researching and of cause we had mothers day, Happy Mums Day to all. l think l spoke the other day that I start with a subject then l may change my mind, while painting, exploring, and evolving. The first subject may come to an end and so you have to explore other avenues so you can keep extending on your idea. The magic happens when your mind starts flooding with ideas and solutions. On Saturday night l realized that the subject was not unfolding to my liking. So sat down with a cup of tea and started going through everything l had written about my life and growing up. Finally the penny dropped and bingo a subject was created and my mind started flooding with ideas. It turned into a very late night as l kept writing and researching. l love it when this happens, its exciting and exhilarating. You will get to see snippets of what l am doing, but l can't show...
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Hi Bloggers my number 3 painting is coming along slowly, but as l get layers down it gets faster. This one is from a great memory of my Childhood when l lived in East Brighton, l would have been 9 years old, 1963. We had footpaths and our street had a hill so l asked Dad to build us one. My brother and l would Billy Cart down that hill all weekend but l was the one that had much more interest in it as he was only 6 years old. Like any thing l do l enjoy doing research on a subject, l am about to paint. In Australia the first noted Billy cart was in 1880. The word Billy cart comes from The English word Billy Goat Cart. and as the name suggests Billy Goats pulled the cart. When l am working towards an Exhibition l start by doing small painting, like l am doing right now. Its a form of thinking out loud and visualizing but its not necessarily going to be the end product. As you work you come up with ideas and those ideas may ...
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Hi Bloggers, Yesterday posted to new paintings and said l was starting a new which l will be doing some more today. Got a little side tracked which is not unusual for me, l think its part of an artist to avoid the canvas when trying to problem solve. l regularly get emails on photography comps and decided to enter 2 last night, So l thought l would give you a taste One theme for this comp is 'TIME'
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Well, here is the first painting l have done in my new studio. This represents my school and church where l first started school. This church l love, but the black door represents the dark secrets that went on behind closed doors in the catholic church. This next painting represents my love of the Murry River. Have started my 3rd so stay tuned. Cheers Blogger
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Hi Bloggers, What a glorious day we are having here in melbourne. Guess what? Yes you guessed right l am painting of cause. The sun is streaming through my window in the studio. got the music playing (Birdy) and just been working on my second painting. l think its close to being finished will look at it later. it usually takes a week of looking before l actually decide if it is solved or not. Please if you ever want to ask anything please ask will post pictures of progress tomorrow. Now the think stage again as l approach the third one, this is the hard stage for me. So might have lunch and think for an hour. Have a great day everyone PS. As its my birthday today happy birthday to all you wonderful Taurus people
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Hi Bloggers hope you are having a great Saturday, l am very excited as last night started painting. As you know l am an abstract expressionist painter and that is where my passion lies. So l am going with a theme of memories and things that relate to my life so far, as l am 59 in 2 days there are a few events that have stuck in my head or have touched my heart one way or another. to give you a sneak peak. l started school life at a catholic school and the church that was right near the primary school and it was beautiful. It is a Basilica, Our Lady of Victory. It's funny but l was looking up the church on the internet and found that they are having their centenary this year so that was an omen l feel. Back to the painting , it represents the church and the religion that l started my life in, and also the controversy of the catholic religion, and what goes on behind closed doors. l will take a photo but its a bit wet and as l am paint...
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Hi bloggers, Have not been with you of late, as l have been busy shifting into a new apartment, my forever home. So l have been very calm and slow in setting up the home and studio. Its a bit small but thats ok as l have unload a heap of stuff. Now that my studio is up and running l have started painting . My mind is at peace and l am entering into my space where l can delve down deep into my heart, mind and soul and start the creative juices flowing. It has been incredibly frustrating hence my blogger heading, and if you are an artist of any genre you will know exactly what l am talking about. It is almost impossible to paint when you have a mountain of crap going on in your life. It blocks all the creative energy flowing through your body. So bloggers have things to do today one is put a base coat on my canvases so will talk tomorrow have a great day and be calm